As with any event your organization hosts, setting a few parameters at the beginning of the planning process will be helpful to ensure you get the most from the event. For a virtual auction, make sure to consider these essential guidelines:
For a more thorough overview of typical guidelines to set for a complex event like an auction, check out this section of the OneCause silent auction planning guide.
Virtual auctions are simpler to plan than traditional silent or live auctions because in-person logistics like venues and food aren’t necessary. However, virtual auctions do require an investment in technology and strategy to succeed.
Before moving forward with planning your virtual auction, take some time to review your software toolkit and virtual strategies. Do you have the tools you’ll need to host the auction and facilitate bids? Will you incorporate other virtual elements, like live-streamed programming? What virtual strategies have you already used over recent months, and are there any new ones you want to incorporate into your auction? You’ll definitely need the right tools for the job.
For online or virtual auctions, your toolkit should include these essentials:
Investing in new virtual fundraising software, including online auction software with mobile bidding capabilities, will be a necessary part of planning your first virtual auction. Remember to look for software that will work well with your other tools and will deliver long-term value for future virtual events. Check out this roundup of top platforms to start exploring the space.
As mentioned above, venues, food, and other in-person logistics won’t be a concern for a virtual auction. However, any complex event (in-person and virtual alike) will be more likely to succeed when planning and management tasks are shared across a team. For your virtual auction, try to recruit staff and volunteers to serve these crucial roles:
Sharing the workload helps to streamline the entire virtual planning process. Regardless of the exact size of your team or organization, it’s still a good idea to clearly assign tasks to specific individuals. Virtual auctions have a lot of moving parts, so take an organized approach.
When it comes to item procurement for any type of charity auction, we have three key pieces of advice:
Additionally, your revenue goals for the event should help determine which items to procure. Every virtual auction should have at least one big-ticket, main attraction item (whatever that may be for your particular audience), but your revenue goal will also shape the number of other supplementary items you offer at different price ranges.
As your virtual auction item catalog comes together, you’ll also need to put plenty of thought into how you price each item. Start by determining a fair market value, and then set a minimum bid amount at around 30-50% of that base value. Check out this guide to pricing auction items for a complete breakdown of best practices.
To promote your virtual auction, you’ll need a dedicated website, online item catalog, and registration page to anchor your strategy. Effective auction software should include tools that allow you to easily set up your event’s site.
Then, develop a marketing strategy to spread the word about your virtual auction and point your audience towards your registration page. A multichannel campaign across your various marketing outlets will be the most effective approach. Pay particular attention to these two channels:
When promoting a virtual event, lean into the digital aspect! Video content can be an extremely effective way to promote an online event, and it gives your ambassadors and followers great content to repost and show their own friends. If you have footage from previous in-person or virtual events, create a preview video to show supporters what they’ll miss by not registering.
Getting your supporters engaged with your auction in advance will help drive stronger results overall. Your marketing strategy should encourage early engagement whenever possible.
Securing registrations for your virtual auction is the primary goal. Once attendees have registered in advance, you can keep them excited for the auction and boost their engagement leading up to the big day, resulting in higher attendance and revenue. Consider these strategies:
Securing registrants for your auction and keeping them engaged before the auction is key, but think of ways you might boost pre-revenue, too.
Depending on whether your virtual event is ticketed, you may offer early registrants a discount to boost registrations overall. If a supporter declines your invitation, ask for a donation instead. Offer fixed-price add-ons, like raffle tickets. Get creative and brainstorm ways to both boost excitement and revenue around your virtual auction.
As your virtual auction approaches, doing a test run is a must. This is an important step for any type of virtual fundraising event that you’ve invested time and resources in planning.
If you’re using new tools, like auction software or live-streaming platforms, conduct one or more dress rehearsals before the auction officially starts to work out any logistical or technological challenges. For live-streamed programs, have a clear schedule of events to follow and make sure your emcee is prepared to actively keep up the energy and maintain a steady flow.
We recommend thoroughly testing the guest experience by recruiting staff members and volunteers to walk through the entire process of registering, exploring your item catalog, and placing bids and then sharing thoughts about the experience. For the most useful feedback, these testers should be coming into the process relatively blind, without having played a role in planning or developing the virtual auction.
Check out this complete guide to virtual fundraising events for more guidance around preparing and hosting a complex, tech-heavy event like a virtual auction.
Once your plans are finalized and all your tools are in working order, host your auction!
Although virtual auctions might be a brand new undertaking for your organization, a comprehensive planning process will significantly boost your likelihood of success. This is more important now than ever, as nonprofits of all sizes have to ensure a positive return in terms of both revenue and donor engagement while simultaneously venturing into uncharted waters.
By giving your team plenty of time to set guidelines, build a toolkit, procure items, and fit them all together into an engaging event, you’ll be raising more online in no time. Best of luck!
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